Contact us

+7 (8452) 39-77-01

Address: 410017, Saratov, Chernyshevsky Street, 109
For contacts:
Sales department:

Feedback form


Full name of the company: Limited Liability
Company «Saratovdizelapparat»
Short name of the company: Saratovdizelapparat, LLC
Legal and postal addresses: 410017, Saratov,
Chernyshevsky Street, 109
General manager: Цыванюк Виталий Васильевич
Payment account: 40702810656000007119
Correspondent account: 30101810200000000607
ИНН: 6454142159
КПП: 645401001
ОКПО: 00210967
Bank: Поволжский Банк ПАО СБЕРБАНК city Samara
БИК: 043601607

+7 (8452) 39-77-01
+7 (8452) 39-77-01